

Happy Tummy® in a Nutshell
胃樂(Happy Tummy® )簡介

The principal way in which Happy Tummy charcoal works is by re-balancing the acid/alkaline of the digestive system. It is comparable to passing a superb biological filter through the system where it adsorbs toxins and re-balances without adding anything to, or burdening, the system in any way. Its role is a passive one.

This re-balancing of the pH facilitates an environment where minerals, vitamins and nutrients are utilised at their optimum. The trickle feeding of Happy Tummy to cattle, pigs, poultry, horses, camels, and all mammals (including humans) on a daily basis helps maintain condition, health and a strong immune system.

For equines with gastric problems this is the safest and most effective feed additive with which to address these issues. Results are very quick, there are no detrimental side effects; it’s easy to use and very economical.

WHAT IT IS – Happy Tummy™ is made up of specially selected, 100% pure hardwood charcoal sourced from sustainable woodlands. It contains no fillers, binders or additives. It is made from naturally active charcoal produced in a traditional way.
胃樂是什麽——胃樂(Happy Tummy™ )由從可持續林地專門挑選的100%純硬木木炭組成。它不含填料、粘合劑或添加物。它是通過由傳統方式生産的天然活性炭組成。

We chose a particular hardwood charcoal for our product because of its superior and special molecular properties.

This type of charcoal is listed as an EU approved feed material whereas ‘activated’ or medicinal charcoal is not.

There are a great many different kinds of charcoal available these days and we’ve taken the most biologically compatible of these and, using a specially developed process, turned it into ‘Happy Tummy™, a charcoal especially intended for use in animal welfare.
當今有許多可用的不同種類的木炭,我們選擇了在生物學上最相容的木炭,並使用一種專門開發的工藝將它制作成”胃樂”( Happy Tummy™),胃樂專門用于改善動物福祉。

When added daily to an animal’s feed ‘Happy Tummy™ is able to adsorb over 4,000 toxic substances, neutralising them and carrying them out of the animal’s system. This takes much of the load off the immune system and helps the liver, kidneys and digestion as a whole, to operate more effectively.
當把胃樂(Happy Tummy™)添加到每日的飼料中,它就能吸收超過4000種有毒物質,中和這些毒素並將其帶出動物身體。這能大大減輕免疫系統的負擔,從整體上幫助肝髒、腎髒和消化系統,使這些部位更有效的運作。

A healthy digestive system is the basis of a well-developed immune system, and ‘Happy Tummy™ has the potential to save money by helping to maintain all round good health in animals.
一個健康的消化系統是良好的免疫系統的基礎。胃樂(Happy Tummy™)能幫助動物維持全面健康,從而可以節省成本。

Simply put, by adsorbing toxins from an animal’s blood stream and digestive system ‘Happy Tummy™ helps prevent the build-up of the toxic pre-conditions which can lead to infections and breakdowns in health.
簡單的說,通過從動物血液和消化系統中吸收毒素,胃樂(Happy Tummy™)有助于阻止可能導致傳染病和健康危害的有毒環境的建立。

That said, ‘Happy Tummy™ has no medicinal properties of itself, it’s chemically inert and cannot be digested. It relies for its unique ability to adsorb most poisons, on the intermolecular attraction of its vast surface area (i.e. a 1cm cube would unfold to a total area of four tennis courts!).
胃樂(Happy Tummy™)本身並不具有藥物特性,它具有化學惰性且不能被消化,它獨特的巨大表面積(比如1cm立方體可以擴展爲四個網球場大的面積)帶來的分子吸引力能吸收多數有毒物質。

‘Happy Tummy™ is basically a superb filter which cleans out toxic waste leaving the bloodstream and digestive system in much better shape.
從根本上來說,胃樂(Happy Tummy™)是一個卓越的過濾器,它能清除有毒廢物,給血流和消化系統一個更好的環境。