Featured products
Happy Tummy Charcoal Feed Supplement£21.50 – £310.00
Black Tac Heel & Hoof Care – For Horses and Cattle – 300g£34.00
Skin Deep Cream for humans and others£30.00
We are an expanding company whose main product is a feed additive, Happy Tummy® Charcoal, which exploits a completely new paradigm in health care for horses, cattle, pigs, poultry and all mammals (including humans).
我們公司的主要産品是飼料添加劑,公司的業務正在不斷擴展。胃樂(Happy Tummy® )木炭是一種創新的保健産品,用于馬、牛、豬、家禽及所有哺乳動物(包括人類)。
Our science based approach to restoring and maintaining good health is based upon an age old technology adapted to work in a modern environment.
Inspired by some original French research, published by the Teaching Department of the School of Alfort, we have developed and perfected a charcoal feed additive capable of removing over 4,000 known toxins from the animals’ system. This function, coupled with a massive input of bound oxygen, cleans up the internal environment enabling a stronger and more effective immune response. This means that animals are healthier and less prone to ill health and disease.
Having established the value of our product in the United Kingdom and more recently in France, we are now looking to expand our sales overseas.
Company: Fine Fettle Products Limited
公司: Fine Fettle Products Limited
Tel: +44 (0)1600 712496
電話: 00 44 (0)1600 712496
Email: enquiries@finefettlefeed.com
郵箱: enquiries@finefettlefeed.com
Website: www.finefettlefeed.com
網址: www.finefettlefeed.com