Fine Fettle

Mud Fever help

For a chance to win a free tub of Black Tac hoof and heel ointment, visit our Facebook page to participate in this month’s giveaway. At this time of the year, muddy conditions can cause cracks and weeping sores to break out on horses’ heels and fetlock.   Black Tac Heel & Hoof Care forms […]

Reduce emissions with charcoal!

We know that methane is a major greenhouse gas, and that farming cows for beef and dairy products play a part. Methane from cows comes from the animal’s breath; (enteric fermentation, the digestive process of converting sugars into simple molecules for absorption into the bloodstream, which produces methane as a by-product), and also via flatulence, […]

*Nutrition Focus

In this feature, we invite experts to answer your burning questions – please email us at if you have an equine nutrition enquiry. (Your questions may be shortened to fit the available space.) This month, Keith Foster of Fine Fettle Products shares his expertise Q) I have heard that charcoal can benefit laminitis-prone horses […]

Fine Fettle Products